Sunday, October 23, 2011

Whirlwind week!

This post is going to be rather looong. That is, if my brain is still functioning enough to recall the events of it. Tuesday my dear friend A arrived to spend a few days of her Fall Break with us. I was super excited to have company and especially glad it was this particular friend who is sooo go with the flow you know every time she says "I don't care what we do" you know she REALLY means it.

We spent the two days she was here sitting, talking, browsing Pinterest, shopping, EATING and seeing Footloose (so hilarious!). The best part of her trip was seeing her minister to our young people by simply sharing what God has given her the opportunity to take part in. Many times I think we have preconcieved ideas that in order to minister to a group of people about something spiritual we must do it in a sermon format with deep theological reflection and while that is necessary at times this night it was not. But God moved all of the same. In my heart of hearts I really wanted our youth to walk away with a few things. #1 Missionaries aren't ALL weird or old (hahaha) #2 Being a missionary isn't about what you will live without or how far away you will move but totally about how obedient you are to his calling and #3 That when God calls us to do something we won't do it without fear or reserve but rather in spite of fears and reservations.

I totally know all of our students saw and got this through her sharing. It was so awesome to see them so wide eyed and attentive, you could have heard a pin drop! We have 5 young people (some young adults and some teens) who are praying for confirmation about whether God has called them to full time ministry and I know what she shared helped them realize if they are experiencing fear, that's normal and its normal to take time to process what they are feeling.

I am super proud to call this woman my friend. No because she is moving across the world to live possibly without a dryer and air conditioning but because she is an example of obedience and consistency as a friend and follower of Christ.

A left on Thursday and my mom came that afternoon. Friday I woke up to Cola's small cough being an monsterous croop with wheezing. Her entire chest and stomach was caving in and she was struggling to breath every few breaths. I knew she need to go to the doctor. TO make a long story short we found out she was in respiratory distress (having an asthma attack). She was sent to an ER where even after two steroids and an hour long breathing treatment she was only a little better. It was a loooong scary day and I am still praying we won't see these things again in her. She is now on a steroid twice a day and breathing treatments every four hours. This will change after a few days (we pray!).

Thankfully and my mom was in town and was able to help with Dalen for the day especially since we got a call in the midst of everything that Dalen began wheezing. Talk about a crazy day! I'm not sure how we manage with no family but somehow we do but God must have known in advance we really needed some extra help. I keep waiting for the day my parents won't be the ones giving to us but we will be the ones giving to them. So far I don't think the day is here. My mom left yesterday and both kids seem to be doing much better. Thankfully!

What a week!

Monday, October 17, 2011

My love

Ok this blog will be totally confusing if you don't know my sense of humor or my personality. It's not a blog where I am complaining but taking something super bothersome and voicing it with my sarcastic humor. Those who know me will be able to hear my tone and see my expressions, those who don't will be annoyed and confused. Anyways...

Have I mentioned Pinterest is my new love? My addiction? It has taken Facebook's place but don't worry I won't let it take my blog's place ;)

I am starting to realize how MUCH FB has changed our world, our society. Everything you do has the DNA of FB running through it's veins and I am not so sure I like it! I'm sorry but I have two kids that want to follow me to the bathroom the last thing I wanted was 100 people following me as I like crafts and recipes and fashion ideas.

I just feel like everything we do virtually has turned into some psychostalker Lifetime special. I can't even search anything on Google without ads pertaining to those searches coming up on my sidebar of FB. It's annoying. I feel like all perameters of privacy and personal space have been invaded by people I don't, or better yet can't know b-c its programmed by a darn machine.

Just when I was really liking Pinterest I started seeing invites to follow pinboards and likes on my boards and I got that super strange feeling I am sure people get when they date someone on E Harmony and think the person is totally good looking but when they FINALLY go on that official first date they realize they are the biggest dweeb ever. At least I imagine it feels the same?? Ha!

I'm not sure if it's my personality or the stage of mothering I am in that just makes me feel a little closterphobic at times. I am being followed on FB, Pinterest, my blog, twitter and in real life by my kids. It's just getting a little much for me. Anyone agree? Or think I am totally ridiculous? Or maybe my next cleanse needs to be a few forms of social networking?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What to do with disappointment...

Because I have spent so time examining myself in the area of complaining, I have actually come to a lot of conclusions concerning the issue. I tried a complaining cleanse and it was very unsuccessful. Not unsuccessful in the sense that I couldn't stop verbally complaining but unsuccessful in the sense that at the root of every complaint I have realized there is a stinging from the pain of disappointment.

Disappointment is an unfulfilled expectation, the failure of hope, the sting of an undesirable circumstance so great that it's almost as though hope and faith collide and without any say so disappointment is birthed and when left unattended one disappointment leads to another and they breed, birthing despair. Now that I know this, I know that complaining isn't the root issue, disappointment is. I have spent some time especially since last night (when all of this hit me) re-evaluating my expectations because if I complain a lot I must be disappointed alot?? I'm still piecing a lot of this together.

One thing I do KNOW is that when we are complaining we should immediately question, "What am I disappointed about?" or "What expectations were unfulfilled?" and then decipher "Were my expectations set too high?" or "What can I do differently next time so that my let down will be more manageable?" I also know that we have two choices to make when dealing with disappointment. We can talk about it or pray about it. Sometimes talking helps- A LOT! Sometimes and a lot of the time it makes things worse. If you are going to talk about it make sure you are talking to someone who is wise and sensitive and open to hearing not just listening. I would suggest a mentor or someone who has no biased opinions or nothing to gain or lose by being honest. It's important that if we do decide to speak with someone about our trouble hearts we still ALWAYS choose to pray. We should take our burdens to the Lord and leave them there, at the foot of the old splintery cross where healing was made possible.

I am learning the power of asking the RIGHT questions at the RIGHT time. We should always be asking questions that will advance us towards wholeness and wellness in Christ. The infamous question of why hardly promotes either. Have you ever answered your toddler when they ask why? You will find yourself an hour later still answering a vicious circle of why based questions.

I have learned rather quickly that our hearts should always be guarded. A guarded heart doesn't mean that you don't trust it means you have made a Biblical principle, top priority. Proverbs 4:23 says ABOVE ALL ELSE, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Yes, I would assume that guarding our hearts is a matter of life and death. I have certainly experienced this in my life. When our hearts aren't guarded disappointments allow the organ of life to begin producing deadly emotions such as despair, distrust, pain, depression, bitterness, resentment and so on.

Here's to guarding your wellspring...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Few Reasons...

Here are a few reasons I believe I am addicted to

1) I thought about adding a glue gun to my Christmas list.

2) Someone's trash fabric scraps would be my found treasure.

3) Nutmeg and sunflower oil may make it on my grocery list for next week.

4) I am retracing the steps I learned so long ago in my Family and Consumer Science class on how to sew on a button.

5) I am considering giving ALL handmade gifts for Christmas this year.

6) I am mad Hobby Lobby doesn't let you rent sewing machines by the hour.

Oh, yes, I believe I have a slight problem!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Season of all things cold and flu...

It's no secret flu season is just around the corner or is it already flu season? Not sure, but anyhow don't you just LOVE this time of year? The time of year where you are enjoying watching your child play with another child before you leave him/her at school and begin to engage in a nice conversation with their parent only for the parent to reveal how sick their entire family has been. Umm, why are they at school?

Then of course you have to love the pastors who feel the need to include a meet and greet every service and encourage you to shake not A hand or hug A neck but several people around you! Can't we all have a understanding that a air high five will do just fine during this season??!!

I just love this time of year! When you are standing in line at Wal-Mart and you hear coughing and then feel a nice breeze at the base of your neck...ooooh that is just my fav!

Anyways, if you see me out and about send me a virtual hug LATER as for now I think I'd like to take out a no contact order on the general public. And please, if your child has been sick let them stay home and rest! Watch a church service online from somewhere or let them make up their work later from school and for crying out loud stay away from me!

I told you I loved this time of year!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Cleansed...not quite

I am on Day 3 of my Complaining Cleanse. Somehow I am left to believe I have quite a ways to go until I am "cleansed". Wednesday we left for Ft. Myers (all four of us) in a rented Corolla (smaller than our Camry) and headed to Next Level Church where Mario spoke for the youth group. It was only about a three hour drive south. Not bad at all, huh?

I made a choice to put Cola in a diaper on the way because we didn't want to stop every 20 minutes for her to potty and she went crazy. I guess that's a good thing because she is totally taking this potty training thing to the level of perfection! I am so proud of her!

Anyways, she hadn't napped all day and would NOT fall asleep, neither would Dalen. I noticed a total of 5 billboards along the way advertising for Vasectomys. I am pretty darn convinced that's one of the most brilliant marketing strategies yet! Just put a family of 4 in a car waaaay too small with two children who haven't and won't nap and viola you will have patients stopping in everyday!

Anyways, the church was great and the team we met we amazing hosts. They all worked together so gracefully and flawlessly. After several days of no accidents Cola had one that night. It was disappointing to start the count over again but she is doing so well who can complain...NOT me!

On the way home we stopped by the beach and for lunch. We hadn't planned to do it but I am so glad we did. We caught Cola scooping up sand and eating it out of a shell and Dalen made huge balls of wet sand to peg at the birds. All the resting folks we quite entertained and I am sure annoyed. The kids let out some energy and slept most of the way home.

I am starting to realize I am slower to speak (you can ALL thank me later) when I am trying to eliminate complaining. I think more about what I am about to say before I say instead of having to deal with guilt after. It's still coming more natural to comlain rather than thank and I will be happy when that is the other way around!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Complaining Cleanse Day #1

Um, who double dog dared me to do seven days without complaining? Oh, myself. Pardon me while I give myself a swift kick in the butt. Oh my gosh! I am the worst complainer - EVER! Now that I am paying attention to it I am just amazed. Not sure how I have a husband or friends for that matter.

And why did I have to choose to start on the day that I had to pack for three people and do countless loads of laundry? I started this cleanse on the day I realized the new polish color is gold and looks HORRIBLE against my skin. By noon I literally felt like it would be impossible to make it an entire day without allowing those complaining thought to escape my mouth. I did pretty well but lost a few of those thoughts through my big mouth.

When did this become such a habit for me?? And why didn't anyone tell me? Tell me how annoying it is? Tell me what a brat I sound like and how darn unattractive a whiner is?? So here's to day two...the day our whole family gets to take a short road trip down the road together, in a small car...but no, I am not complaining I am excited! The small the car, the thicker the bond, right?? ;)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

7 Days

This mornings was one of those mornings. I debated calling in sick and then I remembered I'm on call 24/7 and have no sick days. I woke up at 6:45 a.m. not by choice. No one said good morning, what can I bring you for breakfast, or why don't you sleep a few longer instead I got a moaning baby ready for breakfast and a griping toddler asking over and over if I had bought him a doughnut. Both kids followed me to the kitchen where I took an antibiotic (had an infected tooth extracted the other day) and then both moaning and complained when they realized I wasn't fixing breakfast yet. Good greif! I didn't even have my contacts in yet!

After kicking them both out of the bathroom because yes, I am entitled to pee in peace they lingered at the door waiting. When I opened the door and saw them both standing there with hungry bellies and begging eyes I began my day as I usually do, complaining. "You are both so impatient! Sit on the couch and stop following me! It won't make your breakfast come any quicker! The sun isn't even out yet! I am barely awake! Look at all of the toys you both left out yesterday!" And so on and so forth. Yes, I actually have days where I talk to my kids that way. I know. I am a horrible mother.

Something happened today though. I realized with their every complaint I had either proceeded with one or followed theirs with another. So annoying, SO unattractive and SO not the example I want to be to my daughter who will one day be a mother and I certainly don't want my son picking a complainer to mother his children. I was so seriously disgusted by how much I complained by 8 a.m. I got in a corner blasted P&W music from my laptop and googled what the Bible says about complaining. Not only was I convicted I was ready for deliverance! What a nasty habit to have! God gives us so much good yet all we mumble about is the bad.

During those 5 minutes even while asking for God's help I found myself complaining. I found myself praying for someone to cater to me while I deal with this awful tooth pain instead of asking and believing for healing. I began thanking God for healthy kids and then complaining about how loud they stomp and often they whine and obnoxiously they play. I really don't think that is thanks or praise at all. How meaningful is a compliment or thank you when someone follows it by a bunch of you shoulda, coulda, wouldas....NOT VERY!

So I am challenging myself to a seven day complaining cleanse. For every complaint I think or even say I will repent and then fill my mouth with thanksgiving and praise. After all we ALL have sooo much to be thankful for.

In spite of this horrible tooth pain, I am so thankful that I have been able to pack and do laundry for our overnight trip tomorrow night. I am also thankful for another opportunity to meet people and share the gospel with another group of young people. I am so thankful and grateful to God that right now I don't work and I am able to go with my husband when he travels so that we can keep our covenant we won't travel alone. Ah, that sounds so much more inviting!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


We woke up today with a perfectly sunny sky, slight breeze and cool temp. I was actually really surprised at how cold it was this morning. I think it was warning that even way down here in Orlando we may have another cold winter...I'm praying not! Anyways it was a perfect day for some outside play.

We took the kids out on their bikes and can I just say Dalen can FLY on his little tricycle! Cola, struggled peddling on hers and ended up in her stroller while Dalen finished out his ride. He loves going down the little ramp sidewalks at our apartment complex and turning down side streets and making it over those mountianous speed bumps. He is quite the rider!

We managed to spend an entire hour outside with Dalen just riding his bike and none of us broke a sweat (except for him). That's a miracle!

Cola has been potty training all week and has only had two accidents! I am soooo proud of her! She finally went #2 in the toilet which she was quite fearful to do. I must express how cute her little tush is in her Dora undies.

Dalen coaches her through going just like us. He has been reminded all over again that "she never growed a penis, yet" and I'm still trying to explain she never will and that's part of being a girl. Hasn't quite sunk in, but I guess it's just a matter of time.

I'm excited about this coming week-quick trip to Ft. Myers, new series in youth and I get to volunteer at Dalen's school for their "Apple Orchard" week. Busy but fun week!